Community and Family Engagement

Weaving Stronger Social Fabric: Kaleidoscope Play & Learn and Community Café Together

When two popular grassroots strategies are used to strengthen families, the impact is multiplied. The story of combining Kaleidoscope Play & Learn groups and Community Cafés in five Washington State communities.


Parents and Child Care Providers in Partnership: Planting SEEDS for Success
Policy and Collaboration

The Alliance partnered with the Washington Department of Early Learning to host a 2-day meeting with parents. How do parents define quality in child care settings? The answer to this question is shared in photographs, graphic recordings and a pull-out chart of how parents identify high quality settings that can support their children’s well-being.

The Strengthening Families Protective Factors as a Framework for Grantmaking: An Approach for Funding Decisions,Building Capacity and Promoting Optimal Outcomes for Children and Families

     * Report