Casey Family Programs Excellence for Children Awards

The Casey Excellence for Children Awards are presented annually to recognize those who have dedicated themselves to building hope and improving outcomes for children and families impacted by the child welfare system. Each year we look for foster care alumni, birth parents, kinship caregivers and resource parents who have demonstrated extraordinary efforts on behalf of those involved in child welfare.

Nominees are evaluated on the work they accomplished at the local, state or national level. As we all work together to build Communities of Hope, we seek to highlight efforts that truly transform the lives of children and families in our communities.

Dee Bonnick

BPNN Member Connecticut

Michael Simmons

BPNN Member Oregon

Family Voices United

Family Voices United is a collaborative project among Casey Family Programs, Children’s Trust Fund Alliance, FosterClub and Generations United. We support prevention services for struggling families, support for kinship caregivers, standardized requirements for residential treatment placements and services that assist older youth aging out of care. We work closely with partners in multiple states and jurisdictions to elevate the voice and perspective of young people, parents and kinship providers.

Voices from the Field

Explore more briefs from Casey’s Knowledge Management Team in their Questions from the Field

Podcasts about Child and Family Well Being are growing in popularity as well. Check out this great one with BPNN Member Tecoria Jones in South Carolina

Celebrating Strong Parent Partnerships in Communities


Watch the following “Community Conversations” short videos to hear how Parent Partners define community. How do their answers compare to yours? Create conversations in your community to discover what comes to mind when others think of community. Are you a member of a “Thriving Community” that celebrates Parents as Partners? Please share your answers with us HERE.


Parent Partners from the Children’s Trust Fund Alliance believe that partnership is essential to having a strong community. Watch the following videos to hear their answers and compare them to what you think is important. Ask members within your community and share what you learn with us HERE.


Parent Partners with the Children’s Trust Fund Alliance focus on their strengths and reveal what makes them strong partners! What makes you a strong partner? Share your thoughts with us!

Voices from the Field

Tools to Help Build Strong Communities are Built on Trust and Parent Partnerships

CTF Alliance Building Trust Families

Talking Builds Trust

Building trust is hard, and so is talking about race. Both are necessary for building PARTNERSHIPS! The National Museum of African American History and Culture provides tools and guidance to empower your journey and inspire conversation.

What Parents Say About: Community Based Approach to Strengthening Families

"Encourage" Community Based Approach

We “encourage” you to ask yourself and your colleagues questions about your approach in relating to parents.

Check out “What Parents Say About…Building a 21st Century Community-Based Approach to Strengthening Families”

Children's Trust Fund Alliance Parent Partnership Tools

Talking Builds Trust

The ANPPC developed the Creating Parent Partnerships and PARENTS Acrostic tools to help guide meaningful conversations about the value of true partnerships with parents.

Also, there is a social media image or meme for the PARENTS Acrostic Tool available in the Images to Share section.