Alliance National Parent Partnership Council (ANPPC)
A national model for effectively partnering with parents and integrating the powerful role of parent leaders in programs
The Alliance National Parent Partnership Council (ANPPC) is an advisory group whose work aligns with the Alliance’s Theory of Change and priorities. The ANPPC raises awareness about the Alliance and its mission to strengthen all parents and communities from a prevention point of view. The Alliance and the Council serve as a national model for effectively partnering with parents and expanding and integrating the powerful role of parent leaders in state children’s trust and prevention funds and community-based programs. Members of the ANPPC are involved with the Alliance committee structure and the ANPPC co-chairs serve a term on the Alliance Board.
The Alliance created the ANPPC in 2007 and continues to support its growth and development. ANPPC members are parent leaders who are familiar with the work of their states’ CTFs and who have experience and expertise that are helpful on the national level.
Meet the Council Members
The members of the Alliance National Parent Partnership Council (ANPPC) come from across the nation. They were nominated by their state children’s trust funds to serve on the council. They are familiar with the work of their states’ CTFs and have experience and expertise that is helpful at the national level.
Who Are We?
To hear from the ANPPC in their own words about:
- How they become a part of the Council
- What the expectations and commitments are for Council members
- Current Council members’ goals and aspirations for this work to partner with the Alliance

The need2know resources are concise, just-in-time tools that target a special need, concern or issue.

Protective Factors Infographics
The parent-to-parent infographics are a series of tools that share parent strategies on how they use strength-based protective factors in their everyday lives. All of the infographics are available to download in English or Spanish:
- Parental Resilience – English or Spanish
- Social Connections – English or Spanish
- Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development – English or Spanish
- Concrete Support in Times of Need – English or Spanish
- Social and Emotional Competence of Children – English or Spanish
For the Concrete Support in Times of Need infographic, the ANPPC asked parents to share a time that was stressful for their family and who helped them achieve a good outcome. All of the examples given by parents showed the key to achieving a good outcome were the people who actually showed up to provide concrete support and a listening ear. There were so many wonderful examples that the ANPPC created a special “example” supplement: Parents Share Examples of Concrete Support.
Also, there is a social media image or meme for each infographic available in the Images to Share section.

Flipside of Each Infographic
The back of each infographic shows how each protective factor fits within the framework – how they all work together to help make families strong! Also, featured on the flipside is how parent groups across the country have defined the protective factor.
Parent Partnership Tools
The ANPPC developed the Creating Parent Partnerships and PARENTS Acrostic tools to help guide meaningful conversations about the value of true partnerships with parents.
Also, there is a social media image or meme for the PARENTS Acrostic Tool available in the Images to Share section.
CONVERSATIONS for a BETTER NORMAL: How the Protective Factors Can Help Navigate the COVID-19 Crisis
The Alliance introduces a new tool to help you facilitate conversations – in English or Spanish – about how the protective factors we have built can help us navigate the COVID-19 crisis. The tool is structured around the five protective factors, with questions focusing on each of the everyday actions. It is designed to help you create virtual conversations with parent groups, colleagues, community members and others. The questions were created by the Alliance National Parent Partnership Council (ANPPC) with input from other Alliance parent leaders and staff.
This suite of tools consists of:
- Facilitator guide with instructions, questions and tips for the virtual conversation; the guide is set up as a fillable PDF form for easy use or can be downloaded if you prefer taking handwritten notes – ENGLISH or SPANISH
- Participant worksheets for each protective factor; these are optional handouts and available as fillable PDF forms – ENGLISH or SPANISH
- A link to a Google form where you can share the wisdom and stories gathered during your conversation.
- PowerPoint with images that you can use or customize for your virtual conversation – ENGLISH or SPANISH
Parents Share Wisdom During Conversations
Because of the Conversations for a Better Normal tool, parent voices are being heard. Parent examples and stories have been gathered as participants shared their stories through a short and simple Google form. Click HERE to download some of the wisdom collected, and be inspired to hold your own conversations. It’s important to report back with the Google form to help influence policy policymakers and organizations who determine how best to use funding to support children and families.
The Conversation Guide provides all of the resources needed to convene an informal and focused conversation. It is designed to be co-led by a parent facilitator and an organizational partner. The 5 questions that form the basis for the discussion relate to the 5 Everyday Actions that are known to build the Social and Emotional Competence of Children. The power of the conversation is that local conversations are part of a national conversation – with the essential tools to report data from the conversation at a national level.
This suite of materials includes:
- Getting Ready for the Conversation – Includes ideas for planning, organization and tips for facilitating the conversation.
- Time Plan – The conversation is flexible and can be adapted to your needs.
- The Conversation – A scripted guide for discussing the questions designed to help parents share concrete examples of the everyday actions they are taking to build this protective factor.
- Key Points and Reminders – A one-page tool that reminds parent participants of the questions, definitions and key points during the course of the conversation. This page is available in color and greyscale for reproduction purposes.
- Processing the Conversation – To harvest the collected data, the parent facilitator and his/her organization partner should process what happened during the conversation immediately afterwards.
- The fillable PDF form summarizes the main ideas and themes that emerged from the conversation. The final step is to submit by email the fillable form to the Alliance to be combined with data from conversations happening across the country.
- The use of the PowerPoint is optional and can serve to remind parent participants of the questions, definitions and key points during the course of the conversation. An optional one-page tool is included in the Conversation Guide and can be used in addition to or instead of the PowerPoint.

Protective Factors Help Families in Times of Need
The Alliance National Parent Partnership Council (ANPPC) creates messages and images to help us focus our energies on our families and loved ones. We are surrounded by so much unknown and we can use the protective factors to help us move forward.
Parents and Families as HEROES
For February 2021 National Parent Leadership Month, the ANPPC created its first HERO – Healthy Empowering Response to Opportunity – social media campaign. This HERO campaign was so popular that the ANPPC expanded it for April 2021 National Child Abuse Prevention Month by creating toolkits to promote healthy social and emotional development of families. For February 2022, the ANPPC celebrated parents as HEROES and as community leaders.
Click on the links below to see the ANPPC’s many social media campaigns. Feel free to use and adapt the messages, images and resources to your needs.
Resiliency Campaign
The ANPPC’s resiliency campaign features 12 images with links to resources and also 4 special holiday images. The campaign points out that resiliency is built over time – through our everyday experiences.
See images HERE
Protective Factors Campaign
This 5-week campaign highlights a protective factor each week. The ANPPC created it for National Child Abuse Prevention Month during the COVID-19 crisis. Feel free to adapt any of the images and resources to meet your needs.
See images HERE
HERO – Parent Leadership Month Campaign
The ANPPC created a HERO – Healthy Empowering Response to Opportunity – campaign to celebrate parents as heroes for Parent Leadership Month in February 2021.
View campaign HERE
HERO – Child Abuse Prevention Month Campaign
HERO – Healthy Empowering Response to Opportunity – toolkits help build and support healthy everyday emotions for families during National Child Abuse Prevention Month in April 2021.
View campaign HERE
Parents as Heroes and Community Leaders
The ANPPC celebrated parents as HEROES and honored them as community leaders in its February 2022 Parent Leadership Month campaign.
View campaign HERE