4 Family HERO Images to Promote the Toolkits during April
Please help us promote the toolkits during April. We’ve created four (4) “HERO Toolkits for Child Abuse Prevention Month” images/memes for you to share on your social media networks. All of the images are JPEGS, and you can choose to DOWNLOAD one or all four. Web links are not live in a JPEG, so be sure to include the link provided when sharing on social media. Just copy the suggested message and use it when posting the image on social media. Thanks for helping us expand yours and other family’s social and emotional toolkits.
Victoria Hilt, co-chair of the ANPPC, created from her home a step-by-step video of how to download an image and post it to the various social media platforms. To view this 6-minute video, click on the button below.
HERO Toolkits for Child Abuse Prevention Month
(Suggested message for sharing on social media)
The Alliance National Parent Partnership Council (ANPPC) is celebrating families as HEROES during April which is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The ANPPC has created four mini-toolkits to help expand your family’s social and emotional toolbox: ctfalliance.org/partnering-with-parents/parent-voice.
DOWNLOAD all four (4) images or choose your favorite

Every family has its own toolbox full of strategies they use to navigate the successes and challenges of everyday life. This past year has tested the capacity of our parenting toolbox. We sometimes find ourselves reaching for tools we didn’t even know we had.
The ANPPC has created four mini-toolkits to help expand your family’s social and emotional toolbox. During each week in April, we will share a mini-toolkit that is related to one of four everyday actions that you can use to support your family’s social and emotional development.

WEEK 1 – H is for HEALTHY: Model nurturing support to children

- Choose an activity from the Printable Resource – 100 Acts of Kindness
- Click HERE for a fun rock painting activity to share Kindness Rocks
- Choose an activity from the Printable Resource – Happiness Action Pack
- Questions to connect and nurture your relationships – The Ultimate Guide to Connecting with Your Child
- Share these toolkits with your social media network by downloading one or all four of the HERO Toolkits for Child Abuse Prevention Month images
- Listen to Maggie’s video story, and share it on social media network by downloading the ‘H’ is for HEALTHY – Model Nurturing Support image
- How Maggie Fye models nurturing support to her children (2 mins)
- ANPPC Group Chat – Parent members share how they model nurturing support to their children (7 mins)
Printable Resources
- 100 Acts of Kindness
- Happiness Action Pack
- Tips for Being a Nurturing Parent
- Parenting Cheat Sheets – Healthy Family and Me – great tips and ideas to connect and nurture your relationship. Just click and get your free, 11-page resource to print.
Further Reading
- Nurturing Children: 11 Tools to Help Your Child Be Successful
- Creating Routines for Love and Learning
- Forts can be a fun and safe space to explore emotions and practice role-playing. Click HERE to learn more.
- Understanding the range of emotions and how we can name and manage them is important for our children. Learn more HERE.
'H' Is for HEALTHY – Model Nurturing Support to Children
(Suggested message for sharing on social media)
The Alliance National Parent Partnership Council (ANPPC) is celebrating families as HEROES during April which is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The “H” in HERO is for HEALTHY because a HERO family models nurturing support to each other. Check out Parent Hero Maggie’s story under week 1 videos at ctfalliance.org/partnering-with-parents/parent-voice.
WEEK 2 – E is for EMPOWERING: Help children develop a positive cultural identity and interact in a diverse society

- Discover your child’s love language HERE!
- Visit Printable Resources to download various love languages materials.
- As a family, we need to know how to support one another. Explore yours and your child’s love languages by playing this BINGO game so you can celebrate all the love you share: 5 Love Languages Bingo
- Lego building is a fun way to express and explore different ideas. Check out these fun Lego building ideas.
- Help your child explore their self-esteem with these seven activities.
- Exposing your children to multiple cultures and experiences helps them to explore and think about how they fit into a diverse world.
- Listen to LaShay’s video story, and share it on social media network by downloading the ‘E’ is for EMPOWERING – Positive Identity image.
- Share these toolkits with your social media network by downloading one or all four of the HERO Toolkits for Child Abuse Prevention Month images.
- Victoria Hilt talks about empowering her daughter’s positive identity by meeting her where she is at – video games (3 mins)
- LaShay Canady shares how she empowers her daughter’s uniqueness to help her develop a positive identity (3 mins)
- ANPPC Group Chat – Parent members talk about how they celebrate their children’s uniqueness and ways to develop positive cultural identities (9 mins)
Printable Resources
- 50 Ways to Praise & Encourage Your Child
- 5 Love Languages for Kids
- Love Languages – Acts of Service
- Love Languages – Quality Time
- Love Languages – Giving Gifts
- Love Languages – Words of Affirmation
- Love Languages – Physical Touch
- Penn State Extension – Activities to do at home to explore and celebrate diversity
Further Reading
- 10 tips to nurture your child’s concept of themselves
- Our world is diverse and our children need to build confidence to navigate it – learn more HERE
- 8 ways to help your child explore their cultural diversity
'E' Is for Empowering – Help children develop a positive cultural identity
(Suggested message for sharing on social media)
The Alliance National Parent Partnership Council (ANPPC) is celebrating families as HEROES during April which is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The “E” in HERO is for EMPOWERING. It’s important to recognize each family member’s uniqueness to develop positive cultural identities. Check out Parent Hero LaShay’s story under week 2 videos at ctfalliance.org/partnering-with-parents/parent-voice.
WEEK 3 – R is for RESPONSE: Respond proactively when social or emotional development seems to need support

- Egg Activity
- 5 Activities to do with kids
- Skill-building games
- “Peace Begins with Me,” a Short Meditation to Get You Through This
- Listen to Martha’s video story, and share it on social media network by downloading the ‘R’ is for RESPONSE – Respond Proactively Image.
- Share these toolkits with your social media network by downloading one or all four of the HERO Toolkits for Child Abuse Prevention Month images.
- Betty Hawkins-Emery talks about how she responds to help her son get to the next step in managing his emotions (2.5 mins)
- Martha Reeder, a grandparent, shares how she responds with complete and undivided attention to her grandchildren (5 mins)
- ANPPC Group Chat – Members talk about how they respond proactively to their children when they need social and emotional support (17 mins)
Printable Resources
- Feelings Wheel Download-ables from the Calm website
- Be the Calm coloring page by Sarah Rosensweet
- Stop Drop Breathe coloring page by Sarah Rosensweet
- Whole Brain Child
- Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
Further Reading
- What is Peaceful Parenting? – Sarah Rosensweet (then download the Be The Calm Coloring Page)
- The Only Way Our Child Will Calm Down – Sarah Rosensweet
- Stop Drop Breathe – Sarah Rosensweet
- Upcycled Education: HALTED
- Emotional Intelligence Tool – The Feelings Wheel
- Whole Brain Child
- Ideas to Build Social-Emotional Skills at Home
- Mindful Parenting Article
- Responding and Teaching Self Control
- Social-Emotional Resources to Work with Parents and Families (PDF)
- Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
'R' Is for Response – Respond proactively when social or emotional development seems to need support
(Suggested message for sharing on social media)
The Alliance National Parent Partnership Council (ANPPC) is celebrating families as HEROES during April which is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The “R” in HERO is for RESPONSE. It’s important to respond proactively when managing our family’s emotions. Check out how Grandparent Hero Martha gives her Grands undivided attention in the week 3 videos at ctfalliance.org/partnering-with-parents/parent-voice.
WEEK 4 – O is for OPPORTUNITY: Help parent foster their child’s social and emotional development

- Calm down Jar – How to make a calm down jar: 17 DIY calm down jar recipes we love (Meriki Lane)
- Feeling Games (PBS Kids)
- Body Check Chart – An activity to build interception and help kids identify their emotions (he’s extraordinary)
- Inside Out Game – A printable emotions game inspired by Disney-Pixar’s Inside Out (Mom Endeavors)
- 10 Books to Help Kids Understand Their Feelings – Read a book and discuss the characters and responses within the book (Apperson)
- 10 Activities to Help Students Explore Emotions (Apperson)
- Listen to Edward’s video story, and share it on social media network by downloading the ‘O’ is for OPPORTUNITY – to Foster Emotional Development Image.
- Share these toolkits with your social media network by downloading one or all four of the HERO Toolkits for Child Abuse Prevention Month images.
- Kara Georgi shares how she uses a “calm down” jar as an opportunity to talk with her children about their emotions (3 mins)
- Edward Casilas uses every opportunity to let his teenage children know he loves them (4 mins)
- ANPPC Group Chat – Members talk about the opportunities they use to foster their children’s social and emotional development (9 mins)
Printable Resources
- The Whole Brain Child – A Quick Guide for Busy Parents (an infographic from the The Montessori Notebook)
- Emotional Robot Flash Cards (a set pf printable flash cards from MRPrintables)
- Zones Bingo (a printable bingo game from the Zones of Regulation)
- Emotionology – The Game about Feelings (a printable PDF from the The Emotions Lab)
- 12 Hugs a Day – Sarah Rosensweet (then download the 12 Hugs a Day Coloring Sheet)
Further Reading
- 51 Positive Affirmations for Kids
- How to Teach Kids About Their Feelings
- Learn more about the Zones of Regulation framework and curriculum
'O' Is for Opportunity – Help parents foster their child's social and emotional development
(Suggested message for sharing on social media)
The Alliance National Parent Partnership Council (ANPPC) is celebrating families as HEROES during April which is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The “O” in HERO is for the OPPORTUNITY to manage our family’s emotional development. Check out how Parent Hero Edward stays in the moment with his teenage children in the week 4 videos at ctfalliance.org/partnering-with-parents/parent-voice.