Michael Huesca
Parent Consultant
Michael is a single father who resides in San Diego, California and has raised three children on his own. Michael took on the role of father when he was only 20 years old and became involved with a woman who had two children from another relationship.
At the age of 25, he was blessed with the birth of his biological son “Joshua.” After the birth, his son’s mother suffered from postpartum depression and mental illness, which dramatically changed their relationship. Michael was the victim of a physical altercation with his wife, which resulted in serious physical injuries for him. Child protective services (CPS) investigated the incident and decided it would be in the children’s best interests if they remained in Michael’s custody.
Today, Michael is a well-recognized father advocate in San Diego, throughout California and nationally. He is the chair of the board of directors of Paternal Opportunities Programs and Services (POPS), an advocacy organization that supports fathers and families. He served as the Tribal Administrator for two years with Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel in San Diego County. He is currently serving as the lead lobbyist consultant for the tribe. A state expert in dealing with male victims of domestic violence, Michael has been an active member of the San Diego Domestic Violence Council. He was a Touch Point parent with the Alliance Resiliency Project that provided resources and supports to parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. He serves on the Executive Committee, Design Team and Steering Committee for the Thriving Families Safer Children Initiative which is a national partnership of the Administration for Children and Families Children’s Bureau, Casey Family Programs, the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Prevent Child Abuse America.
Michael serves on the Birth Parent National Network (BPNN), Casey Family Programs Birth Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC) and the Board of Directors of the United Advocacy for Children and Families. He is the recipient of the American Bar Association’s 2016 Reunification Hero, Casey Family Programs 2017 Casey Excellence for Children award and Father’s and Families Coalition of America’s 2019 Father of the Year award.