Victoria Hilt
ANPPC Co-Chair
Washington State Department of Early Learning
Victoria Hilt lives in Kitsap County, Washington with her energetic and dynamic 12-year-old, Lisa, three cats, and a lot of books and coffee. She incorporates her knowledge of protective factors, trauma-informed practices, people-first language, NEAR brain science, liberatory design, and co-regulation strategies in her work as the Strong Community Facilitator for Kitsap Strong, a collective-impact initiative committed to reducing adverse childhood experiences and helping all people flourish.
Victoria serves on Governor Inslee’s Poverty Reduction Work Group Steering Committee, the Basic Income Pilot Steering Committee, the Aligning Toward Justice, the Co-Governance & Well-Being work group, and the Strengthening Families Locally Project providing a lived experience perspective. Victoria has served on numerous boards for organizations and agencies in her community to reduce poverty and housing instability while helping build stronger families. Because of her commitment to the community, she received the “2019 Women of Achievement YWCA Mission Award for Eliminating Racism and Empowering Women” from the YWCA of Kitsap County.
Victoria’s partnership with the Washington Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) began in 2013 when she received the Strengthening Families Washington “Unsung Hero Award” during Parent Recognition Month. She continues to partner by reviewing nominations for and volunteering at the Unsung Heroes Award Ceremony, requests for proposals, and letters of interest for funding for various prevention programs, as well as facilitating training for communities as a Certified Trainer for the Alliance’s Strengthening Families Protective Factors: Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work, participating in the Early Learning Coordination Plan Steering Committee, as well as representing parent voice on their interview panels.
Victoria is currently the co-chair of the Alliance National Parent Partnership Council as well as a member of the Children’s Trust Fund Alliance Board of Directors, Communications Committee, Governance Committee, Annual Meeting Planning Committee, and is currently the co-chair of the Public Policy Committee.